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High Fives
Planting Trees
Bald Eagle

Volunteer-Driven Conservation

Shenandoah Audubon protects and improves bird and wildlife habitat through projects spearheaded by both the organization and individual members. Your participation with Shenandoah Audubon directly supports local wildlife habitat, helps keep you up-to-date on conservation needs and efforts, and connects you with the local birding community.



Northern Shenandoah Valley Audubon Society bridges the gaps between people and wildlife in Virginia's Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah, and Fauquier counties through education and action. By restoring habitat and engaging local environmental policy, NSVAS takes direct action to protect local wildlife. These impacts continue to expand as NSVAS harnesses education to grow a community of conservation champions. Interactive programs, lectures, and field conservation activities provide knowledge and experiences that foster support of biodiversity. As this community and its impact grow, NSVAS conserves and improves habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and humanity.



Shenandoah Audubon was founded in 1974 or 1975 by Laurel Ridge (previously Lord Fairfax) Community College Professor Emeritus Rob Simpson and two of his students, Dr. Cliff Hupp and the late Henry Hunt. Students, faculty and friends of Professor Simpson were encouraged to begin birding, take field trips, and participate in the Audubon Christmas Bird Count. Membership began to grow, and a close association with the State Arboretum of Virginia at Blandy Farm helped bolster the expansion of the young local chapter. The collaborative efforts that forged this branch established a practice of partnership that continues to shape the chapter today; Shenandoah Audubon's headquarters remain at Blandy, and the chapter maintains ongoing relationships with Laurel Ridge Community College and Shenandoah University's Environmental Studies program.

Get in Touch



Shenandoah Audubon Board has created easy-to-read charts summarizing the chapter's finances.  Click the button below to review the chapter finances.

NSVAS Statement for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

NSVAS complies with Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) in admission to membership or participation in its programs and activities.

©2021 by Northern Shenandoah Valley Audubon Society. Proudly created with

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